News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Pharmacy or HARMACY? Big name drug stores reach $13.8 billion settlement for pushing opioid pain drugs that fueled the nationwide epidemic of addiction
Several major drug store chains waded out into deep waters when they pushed and dished heroin-based pain pills out, fueling the opioid epidemic in America. Walmart Inc, Walgreens, and CVS Health Corp are all on the hook for billions of dollars (nearly $14 billion in total) in settlement money for their so-called ‘mishandling’ of the […]
By S.D. Wells
Which kills more people: opioids, guns or Covid vaccines?
It is literally preposterous to witness the US government’s “war” against drugs and guns, while completely ignoring the mass deaths caused by the Covid vaccines. Just take a look at the data and statistics and you will see the elephant in the room. Sure, any unnecessary deaths are a tragedy, but if the so-called “war […]
By S.D. Wells
COINCIDENCE? Just like the Sackler Family’s planned profiteering from the deadly opioid crisis, Pfizer is now profiteering from COVID “clot shots” that destroy lives (op-ed)
(Op-ed) Welcome to 2022, and it really hasn’t been so long since the opioid epidemic was “uncovered” by truth news, proving that everything “science” isn’t always good for your health, humanity, the Earth and basic survival. Take an overhead look and it’s plain as day to see. Two engineered crises. One based on treating pain, […]
By S.D. Wells
“Dopesick” mini-series on HULU reveals how the opioid crisis was engineered using insidious lies, fake studies, warped charts, and made-up medical terms
After September 11, 2001, Americans were convinced by the media that we should find where the “mastermind terrorist” lives and invade his “country,” then find him and kill him. Osama Bin Laden just so happened to be from Afghanistan, where the poppies all flourish and heroin is made (Afghanistan produces 90 percent of the world’s […]
By S.D. Wells
If people being killed by spike protein vaccines in the name of “science” is deemed GOOD, then why is there so much opposition to prescription opioid deaths?
Today, if you do not want to be injected with billions of toxic spike prions supposedly designed to ward off a bad case of Covid, then you are deemed “anti-science” by all of mainstream media, 50 percent of Americans, and of course, the CDC. You must be against “science” entirely to deny that the Covid […]
By S.D. Wells
The absolute hypocrisy of Western Medicine – Anything they can make money on is legal; if not, it’s illegal
Most Americans are so doped up on fluoridated water, prescription medications and pesticide-laden genetically modified foods that they can’t differentiate between what’s adding to their mental and physical chaos and what could actually heal them. They watch television and read the newspaper, thinking they’re getting the news, but what they’re getting is advertising that costs […]
By S.D. Wells
How ridiculous and ironic that marijuana is illegal in most US states, but most prescription painkillers contain a diluted form of heroin
Think about this one for a minute. Marijuana, which has never killed anyone, is illegal to grow or smoke in the majority of this “free” country, yet opiate-based medications are killing people through addiction and overdose by the millions, and that’s even if you take them “as prescribed.” Here are just some of the more […]
By S.D. Wells
Opiate-based drug addiction and dealing prescription meds on the streets is easy to perpetuate – you just fake pain, get prescribed, use, sell, then repeat
Most people think the biggest drug problems in the USA have to do with crack-heads, coke-heads, and meth-heads, but they would be wrong. There are 101 ways to lie to a medical doctor and convince them you’re suffering from pain, including physical or mental anguish, and get prescribed, over and over again, the most addicting, […]
By S.D. Wells
Merck’s original “Ecstasy” now a deadly mixture of cocaine, heroin, LSD, and rat poison, sold as party drug “MDMA”
Just before WWI began, an evil pharmaceutical firm you may have heard of called Merck accidentally developed a psychotherapy drug that was originally supposed to serve as an appetite suppressor for soldiers, but it failed miserably. That drug later served other purposes. After World War II, the U.S. Army used MDMA for their psychological warfare testing, […]
By S.D. Wells
American medicine has become one big chemical drug vending machine
Ironically, the same Greek mathematician who invented the syringe 2,000 years ago also created the very first vending machine. Some of the oldest vending machines dispensed holy water in Egyptian temples, but these days mostly what you get is sodas and junk food snacks. It only makes sense that most vending machines dish out junk […]
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